Letting Go

it does not matter what kind of professional you are, when you find a team, a tribe, a set of people that make your work life not just liveable but enjoyable, it is one of the most painful things to let go of. But if they are the team that you think they are and you are the leader you have always wished to be, then you will do the right things to keep in touch. Not stalkery, not like besties, but out of mutual respect. Find the things that bring you to the job, not the tasks but the drive to build each person. Check on how they are doing with themselves, their balance, their needs as a person. Be kind. Be understanding. Sometimes you have to leave for all the right reasons but they may not see it that way whatever the circumstance. Find the grace in you so you can be understanding. You may be more or less to them than you think.

If you have been your authentic self, good for you. If you have not and have had the gameshow host face on at all times, then before you leave, try to pry that mask off a little bit. Let them be humans. You do your best to show them that there is absolutely a time and place to engage as a person, not as a role. Be you.